Importance of Archeology

What is the importance of archeology as a means of history?

The protected lineages in the Puranas end with a description of the Andhra Shatavahana dynasty. It is known only about the Guptas that the Gupta descendants ruled Prayag Magadha and Saket along the banks of the Ganges.

Importance of archaeological evidence in the structure of ancient Indian history:--------------

This means that if only literary means were available in the making of Indian history, then history would be incomplete. But the vast historical material of vast India is safe in the form of ruins, temples, inscriptions, currencies, etc. From these antiquities, we get a more concrete balance of history-making than literature proofs. Archaeological literature presents a more scientific rational basis. Literature Upma; The style of metaphor, symbol, and tradition becomes more authentic and scientific than archeology.

Indian Archeology is the new branch of science. Whose development period is only a little more than a century. There have been leading European scholars of archeology in India. Archaeological Department was established in India with the verification of those people. These may include Alexander, Cunningham, John Marshall, James Prinsep, Fleet, Conowooler, Vernet, and Halych, Wheeler, etc. Surveys, excavation, conservation and research work of the Department of Archeology has yielded amazing results which can be divided into major sections for The convenience of description –
  • Record
  • The currencies
  • Memorial


The place of recorded evidence is paramount in creating the political history of ancient India. Records are generally saved from rotting or destruction due to carving on rock, pillar, copper and stone blocks, while in such a situation, ephemeral materials and books written on bhurjpatras are destroyed. Due to this stability, records form the basis of contemporary evidence. 

Some records are found including year and dates, month, side and day. The script-style of records that lack dates helps in time-setting. Lack of chronology or unscientific has been the biggest flaw of the literary means of ancient Indian history. Their collections have been done based on the Shrut and Smriti tradition preserved for centuries, due to which they have more possibilities of textualism, discrimination, and change which are due to Kaal-Dosh. The records have helped a lot in removing these defects. Among the records received from India, the records from Sohgaura and Piparahwa have been considered all ancient. If the Indus script is recited authentically, it will have a strong impact on the cultural history of India. It could not be recognized. As the most important source of Indian history, Ashoka's records have special significance. These inscriptions are found in the Brahmi, Kharoshthi and Aramaic scripts from the Hindukush in the west to the Brahmagiri mountain of Mysore in the south. These records are Ashoka's royal orders and orders, whose execution and conduct he hoped for from his royal staff and prince. His words and orders make his unique personality incomparable in world history. From these records, the permanent spiritual 'spiritual ideal' of India attains the world.

No other king of the world has left such specific habits for his subjects, neighbors' subjects or the entire human society, and for his son, great-grandchildren, nor has such a vast and distinct tradition of records been achieved.

The records after Ashoka are generally of two types
  • Personality -
  • State-

The state inscription is basically 'Commendation', which has been composed by the Rajkavis. Some state records are bhumidas or other types of donations which have been given by the concerned kings to Brahmins or priests etc. to commemorate specific religious occasions, family celebrations, etc. The best example of commendations is the Prayag Commendation of Samudra Gupta. In this, a very clear picture of personal qualities, military achievements, and states of Gupta Emperor Samudragupta has been presented. Similarly, the Gwalior Commendation of Banquet throws authentic light on the history of the Gurjara Pratihara dynasty. The Aihole of Chalukyaraj Pulakeshi II is a notable place of praise. In this, the incidents related to the construction of brothels have been secondary and the development of Chalukya-Shakti has remained the main topic till Pulakeshi II. The greatest achievement of Pulakeshi, we have authentic knowledge of victory over Harsh with this commendation. The Devpada commendation of the Sena king Vijay Sen of Bengal is also related to the construction of the complete form, but it has also given priority to the history of the Sena dynasty. Rajkavi has presented an exaggerated picture of Vijayasena's achievements in it through a high-quality literary work.

A large part of state, records are related to the purchase and sale of donations and land. Sanjana's letter of Rashtrakuta king Amoghavarsha is very important in donations. The history of the Rashtrakuta dynasty is safe in this as well as in it we find a hidden subject of a secret who killed a brother and kidnapped his wife and the state. In this way, it provides the recorded basis for the literary plot received from Goddess Chandragupta. Among other donation letters, the donations of Gahadwal, dynasty is notable. In addition to commemorating the donation in these donations, not only the name of the village or the subject or the patla or district, any specific type of land, etc. has been shown, but its limits have also been fixed. Apart from this, the value of the land, the results and donations, great importance and scriptural punishments and prizes are also mentioned.

Commendation defect­–

Though commendation-type records are one of the authentic tools of ancient Indian history, they also have certain faults. Most of the material of historical importance is not contained in these commendations, but a large part of it is full of exaggerated and false propaganda.

Generally, lineages are given in praise, but not all members of the genealogical tree get proper place. Only about that ruler has been written very much - which is related to praise in particular. This amount of exaggeration increases even more because its creator is generally the court or dependent of that king, so he is able to conceal the poor and weak side of his refugee through literary forms like Upma, Metaphor etc. Tries. In such a situation, the hope of justice for historical facts is diminished.

In these commendations, the king has been presented as a special winner here and his contemporary kings have been given a negligible position. Similarly, the prince does not hesitate to give the title to his refugee, ‘Chatur Samudant or Ahimawat Jambudweep Swami or Trisamudratoyivahan’. The king's special titles in ancient India are considered to be the stewards of his special position and influence.

In ancient commendations, the authenticity of these titles is helpful in the analysis of historical facts, but medieval commendations do not meet this criterion. Generally, the feudal lord is also considered to have been adorned with titles such as Param Bhattarak, Maharajadhiraja, Parmeshwar etc. in medieval commendations.

The names of some specific territorial units displaying the extent and influence of the empire, the names of mountain chains and rivers have been used since ancient times like Ang, Vang, Kalinga, Kuru-Panchal, Vats, Matsya, Anarta-Malav, Gandhara- Kamboj; Malay Mahendra Sahyadri, Sumeru, Kailash, Ganga, Sindh, Narmada-Tapti, Tungabhadra; Krishna, Kaveri, etc. Some of these geographical names are not hesitant to convey their refugee's influence over coincidences, even if it has only a limited area. This form of commendation hinders the construction of history. It is necessary to do special caution and comparative analysis in the use of such commendations.

Personal record-

Individual records have a much larger volume than state records. Such records range from two words of very small size to the size of literary works similar to vivid commendations. These records also throw light on Indian history. Since they are not directly related to any king or dynasty; Therefore, the lack of direct political contexts is natural. But being related to different sections of the society, these records throw important light on the social history of India. They may have a special contribution to the study of economic, religious and social values ​​of society. For example, if we analyze about 1500 records before and after Ashoka under the Gupta rule, we will find that 95% of the records are in Prakrit and Pali language and their religious relation is with non-Brahmin religions especially Buddhist and Jainism.

On the basis of this, we can conclude that after Ashoka and before the Gupta dynasty, the general population of India had a special tendency towards Buddhism and Jainism. When we study the Gupta and their later records, the situation becomes the exact opposite. The language of the records of this era, Sanskrit and religious beliefs, Brahmins become smart and legendary. Even by rejecting other elements, it can be concluded only on the basis of this analysis that from this era, there was a significant change in the religious beliefs and medium language of the general population.

All together, it can be accepted with no hesitation that the contribution of records is very important in the making of ancient Indian history. The creation of political history was not only difficult but impossible in the absence of them. Social, literary, religious; Assessment of economic and artistic activities have also been possible through records. Some forgotten personalities of history which are not mentioned anywhere in literature etc. Our knowledge of Kalingaraj Kharavel has been possible from the records.

Currencies or coins

After the inscriptions, postures have contributed a lot to the making of ancient Indian history. Till now thousands of currency have been received and many hoards of these have been received from different parts of India. Sometimes they are also obtained from the top surface of the earth. Most of them fell into the hands of people who strangled them keeping in mind their additional economic values. Thus, there was an irreparable loss of history.
Importance of Archeology, Importance of Archeology in history
Importance of Archeology

Some currencies also fell into the hands of scholars. He either discovered these currencies in ancient ruins or obtained them through excavations or studied them from a public institution. This process of melting is still going on.

Archaeological excavations are the only authentic means by which currencies can be obtained. Due to the abundance of contemporary material in the modern era, there is no place as important in the construction of modern or medieval history as in the construction of ancient history. The lack of records does not throw enough light on the history of kings in literature and discipline.

In such a situation, the copper-silver strings that are thrown or strangled as unusable sometimes reveal the existence of many kings. Though the records throw light on the history of a dynasty but if the postures of the same dynasty is also found, then history gets a more solid foundation.

India's most ancient currencies have been called hurt currencies. On which some special types of symbols are engraved. Normally, the script or name is not mentioned in them. Sometimes multiple symbols have been marked at the same time at different times. These symbols used to be the basis of authenticity of currencies. Such currencies were circulated by Raja, Vanik Sangha, Vreni, Gana, Municipal Corporation or similar institution. But in the absence of script on currencies, it is difficult to say whether currency broadcasting was a monopoly of the state in those days. The meaning and purpose of these symbols remain a mystery even today. Although some of them are popular Mars sign. Various suggestions have been made regarding their importance and scheduling etc., but these suggestions are not completely valid.

The systematic transmission of currency in India began with the rule of the Vakhavi Yavanas. Mudras are the primary means of the history of these Vakvi-Vavanas. The form and name of the king are inscribed on these currencies. This method completely affected the Indian currency system. The only means of knowing the remaining kings are their postures which have been obtained from the Indian border.

These Yavana postures were followed by Shak Pahlav and Kushan kings. Although their postures cannot equate Yavana postures from an artistic point of view, they cannot be valued as a means of history, the only source of the history of these kings is their postures. Many Shak and Pahlav kings also get their names from their currencies. A branch of Shak who was ruling in Gujarat Kathiawad, their postures are inscribed with the name of the king, his father as well as the date, which gives sufficient light on the history of the region.

The Shak-Shatavahana struggle also gets special light from the postures. His postures throw enough light on the governance and religion of the Kushans. In the same way, we get to know the gurus and kings of the warrior friend, Panchal, etc. from their postures.

Indian currency attains an independent and purely Indian form during the Gupta reign. Gupta postures have been an important contributor to the creation of Gupta history, which gives authenticity to the records of the Guptas.

After the Gupta period, the trend of currencies in India keeps decreasing. Although the Harsha and Mihirbhoj and Makuhari kings used some currencies, their location is negligible as a means of history.

Monuments and Ruins

Importance of monuments and ruins as a source of ancient Indian history:
Importance of Archeology, Importance of Archeology in history
Monuments and Ruins
"Art represents a replica of the culture of a country which is not possible with other elements of the culture. Indian temples, temples, deities, ruins, ruins, pottery, and pottery, etc. have been very helpful in understanding ancient Indian life art and philosophy."
Apart from inscriptions and postures, ancient monuments and ruins are also important places in archaeological evidence. In this category, ancient temples or temple buildings (fractal or complete) statues, old statues, and ancient ruins, etc. come. Monuments and ruins have contributed significantly to presenting the history of the origin and development of Indian art.
Importance of Archeology, Impotance of Archeology in history,
Importance of Archeology

In addition to the palace or the temple, we have found huge ruins, which appear to be remnants of ancient cities. Some of them like Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Chanhudro, Lothal, Kalibanga etc. have helped us understand the new civilization as well as Hastinapur, Kaushambi, and Ayodhya, etc. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana provide the archaeological foundation of society and life. Until now, foreign historians have only accepted the concept.

The sculptures engraved on the Sanchi Stupa and the statues of the Gupta temples and medieval temples of Kandaria Mahadev (Khajuraho), Konark and Puri make the memory of contemporary social values, religious beliefs, and political environment clear. Thus archaeological evidence provides an authentic basis for history. Certain defects of literature evidence can be overcome with its use and comparative analysis.

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